Astral (ThermoFisher Scientific)

The hybrid mass spectrometer associates a quadrupole, an orbitrap, and a Asymmetric Track Lossless (Astral, ThermoFisher Scientific) specifically dedicated to bottom-up proteomics and small molecules analysis. It was installed in July 2024 and is coupled to a neoVanquish or a nanoRSLC U3000 through a nanoEasy electrospray source.

It combines nanoESI ionization with FAIMS. It allows the use of CID and HCD fragmentation modes. Its specificity is a sensitivity, a high acquisition frequency, and a high dynamic range. It will enable fast LC separations for high-throughput screening (run as short as 8 min gradients) or deep proteome analysis with gradients with lower slopes, longer elution times, and columns (25-60 cm length, 1-2 hour gradients). DDA and DIA MS/MS could be performed in the Astral after a high-resolution, high-accuracy MS scan in the orbitrap.

This instrument setup combines a bioinformatic solution integrating Proteome Discoverer with Chimerys and Sequest. It will be connected to our Mascot, Byonic, and Peak software in early 2025

Pictures will be soon posted !

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